Open World This is What I Would Send in if I Applied for the Narrative Designer Job at Frictional By Edward Smith • February 16th, 2023 Our character has to care about the kid and we have to care that our character cares about the kid.
I Played It, Like, Twice... A Whole New World of Warcraft: The Board Game By Orrin Grey • February 14th, 2023 Innumerable brightly-colored miniatures and a cartographic board making it all seem reminiscent of a fantasy game of Risk.
Here's the Thing Grappling With Game Pass By Rob Rich • February 14th, 2023 A brief sojourn with Xbox Game Pass helps Rob come around on the concept of online game streaming.
Brain Scratch Bibbdi Babbdi Boo By Steven Nguyen Scaife • February 13th, 2023 I’m constantly struck by how little a game needs in order to evoke places and processes, how crude its materials can appear without compromising clarity of vision.
Forms in Light Remembering the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire By Justin Reeve • February 10th, 2023 Dishonored is a game which harkens back to a time when protection for working people was practically nonexistent, ruthless exploitation being the rule.
All The World’s A Stage By Jonathan Fenn • February 8th, 2023 Theatrical allusions don’t need to hit you over the head with high-concept meta-textual narratives in order to be effective.
Casting Deep Meteo Mapping MÖRK BORG’s Cruel Delights By Levi Rubeck • February 8th, 2023 Then it hit me, like a dirty lightbulb in an ancient office that’s gone undisturbed for far too long – I can draw these rooms.
Friction Burns When Dwarves Won’t Do What You Want Them To By Ruth Cassidy • February 7th, 2023 Friction is FUN.
Area of Effect “The Abundant Nature” By Jay Castello • February 7th, 2023 The only thing I remembered from Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s advertisement cycle was the shot where they cut to a deeply bland outdoor scene overlaid with the phrase in question.