Mind Palaces Honor Among Adaptations By Maddi Chilton • May 4th, 2023 A faithful adaptation can be satisfying, but an unfaithful adaptation can be invigorating.
Here Be Monsters Videogames and the Global Haunted House By Emma Kostopolus • May 3rd, 2023 The internet is now a place where creations such as SCP: Containment Breach can exist because of the cumulative creative and intellectual work of an entire community of people.
I Played It, Like, Twice... A Dark and Stormy Night: The Old Dark House Vibes of 13 Dead End Drive By Orrin Grey • May 2nd, 2023 The traps are pretty much the game’s whole gimmick but, ironically, you don’t need any of them to play.
Empire of the East By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • May 1st, 2023 So wait, demons are nukes? Apparently! At least as far as Fred Saberhagen is concerned.
Exploits Feature Mechanical Sympathy By Van Dennis • May 1st, 2023 “…you learn to care for a machine to the point where you see it as more than just metal.”
Eyeing Elsewhere What Are Ya Buyin’? By Phillip Russell • April 27th, 2023 From what I’ve played of Resident Evil 4 Remake thus far, I’ve come to feel that while I am immensely enjoying the game, I wonder why it exists.
Funeral Rites After Ragnarok: Featuring Colin Le Sueur By Oluwatayo Adewole • April 24th, 2023 It’s a bold move for Le Sueur to make a Norse-inspired Souls-like tabletop roleplaying game, and yet he manages to avoid some extremely fraught territory.
Feature Excerpt The Future Will Forget Us By Ben Thorp • April 21st, 2023 Season and Pentiment on how art fails to capture our complicated present.
Feature Excerpt What Video Games Did to Haunting By Nathan Schmidt • April 20th, 2023 Where are all the haunted videogames?
Letter from the Editor Unwinnable Monthly – April 2023 By David Shimomura • April 18th, 2023 New look, same writers!