Unwinnable Island

There isn’t always a lighthouse… In a recent Team Unwinnable survey, members were asked to rank, in order of importance, four of our ongoing construction projects: digital distribution pipelines, members only forum, an official store and our fortress on Unwinnable Island. That last one was a joke. We don’t have a plan to build a secret island headquarters. We don’t even own an island (or do we?). Of course, the good people of Team Unwinnable voted overwhelmingly for Unwinnable Island to be our first priority. We hate to disappoint, so Matt Duhamel volunteered to create Unwinnable Island from scratch in

The Year of LEGO

A lack of structure can inspire collapse. In LEGO terms, a lack of structure can simply inspire. Structure has its place, but so does allowing place for organic, unregulated activity. Because without structure, LEGO flourishes – or rather, its manipulators do. It’s better to put off a framework to make such allowances, lest it temper budding imaginings. For in that open state is pure whimsy – you’re free to invent and modify, unhampered by overhead demands and stringent guidelines. As you come to see things in full view, then comes the opportunity to become part of a focused effort. Only

Thank You

I don’t know if you heard, but we’ve been working on this Kickstarter thing and it got funded yesterday afternoon. We are currently celebrating, sleeping and celebrating sleep – something we’ve not had a lot of recently – but we will be back next week with the great stories you’ve come to expect. I formally thanked the Internet on Wednesday when we raised our goal, and I reprinted it yesterday when the campaign closed. That stands as a good representation of how I feel about the Kickstarter and its success, but I wanted to take this opportunity to thank some

Five Life Lessons from Twitch Plays Pokémon

Playing Twitch Plays Pokémon isn’t exactly fun. It’s exasperating. It’s boring. It’s spectacularly repetitive. Participating for a few days – or even a few minutes – is enough to make you want to punch a Caterpie. That’s because in Twitch Plays Pokémon, simple tasks become grueling challenges. You know exactly what to do, but still you go backwards. You walk in circles. You get stuck – sometimes for days. Thousands of people worked in unison to play Twitch Plays Pokémon, which let viewers participate in a game of Pokémon Red – the original role-playing classic for Nintendo’s Game Boy –

Why Garrus is the Real Hero of Mass Effect

Garrus Vakarian is the Mass Effect series. All right, that’s a strong statement, and obviously not literal. So to put it another way: more than any single component of Mass Effect, Garrus embodies the tone, theme and characterization of the series. Garrus is one of two characters who’s a full party member in all three Mass Effect games, alongside Tali. (Unless, of course, you let him die in Mass Effect 2 and import that save into Mass Effect 3. It’s also apparently possible to reject him if you time things right in Mass Effect 1, but I’ve never even seen

Joy of a Toy

I was a clumsy kid. I was such a klutz – a total failure at sports, P.E. and general moving around the place – that my mother sought professional help for me. We lived in North Carolina at the time – it was around ‘82 – so I was 10. I remember driving to an unfamiliar part of Charlotte. A university campus? Or maybe some collection of government buildings? We went into a small medical office where I was subjected to a barrage of physical tests. My mother got a binder full of results. And I got a new after-school