Revving the Engine: 404Sight By Stu Horvath • December 18th, 2015 Stu interviews Tina Kalinger, producer of sandbox runner/internet service provider fighter 404Sight. Part of a series of profiles sponsored by Epic.
Trust Falls With Unreliable Narrators By Riley MacLeod • December 17th, 2015 Being a good guest in games is hard when your guide tries to kill you.
Lara Croft GO Makes Your Phone the Artifact By Tim Mulkerin • December 16th, 2015 Ubisoft manages to make you examine your mobile like it was a priceless artifact with the most recent addition to the GO series.
ESPN Analyst’s Rage Supports Esports Growth By Charles Singletary • December 15th, 2015 Through his constant negativity, Colin Cowherd has documented a wealth of progress in the eSports gaming community.
Unwinnable Presents: Episode 64 – Ferris Wheel’s Day Off By Team Unwinnable • December 15th, 2015 During the recording of episode 64 of Unlistenable no robots were harmed.
The Burnt Offering Shaving with Tweezers By Stu Horvath • December 11th, 2015 Stu Horvath has a deep compulsion to play Assassin’s Creed games.
Hatred, Selfishness, Paranoia and Greed: Celebrating the Subterfuge Diaries By Declan Taggart • December 11th, 2015 Revealing the darkness in the souls of humanity with the help of a Let’s Play video series
The Essential Quality of Star Wars By Roy Graham • December 10th, 2015 “How can we praise Battlefront for possessing that intangible quality of Star Wars-ness if it ignores such a sizable chunk of the Star Wars canon?”
Why Verdun Matters By Paul Schumann • December 10th, 2015 “Verdun proposes that an authentic squad-based shooter experience isn’t four players with submachine guns charging the enemy, hopping all over the place.”
Mankind Divided, as is Science Fiction By Josh Griffiths • December 10th, 2015 “It isn’t just that the creators behind these science fiction stories don’t add diverse characters, it’s that there’s a large fan base that are actively hostile to diversity.”