Feature Excerpt A Tale of Two Worlds By Yussef Cole • January 24th, 2018 The more perfect the theme park, the larger its landfills.
GB Burford: GOTY 2017 By GB Burford • January 22nd, 2018 Art, I think, is at its best when it helps us deal with life.
Gorogoa, a Lesson in Learning By David Shimomura • January 22nd, 2018 Stu might think that Gorogoa is magick but I’d say that it’s language.
Gingy's Corner Final Theosis is a Sin By Gingy Gibson • January 19th, 2018 Final Theosis is a VN that sets out to prove that hell purgatory is other people; specifically, the devs of this VN.
Seeland and the Community of Economy By Sam Desatoff • January 18th, 2018 One of my favorite examples of game economy comes from a rather unassuming title. Seeland is a game about using windmills to reclaim land from the sea.
The Tentacled Spirit of Yharnam, in Card Stock By Levi Rubeck • January 16th, 2018 The pitch void and tentacled spirit of Yharnam has come to your table, in a much more accessible package of thick board stock and gory ink, as Bloodborne: The Card Game.
The Heart of Fighting Games By Khee Hoon Chan • January 16th, 2018 It’s these technicalities and the breakneck speed of play that heighten the range of emotions players experience during a fight, like frustration, cool-headedness, arrogance, despair and even elation.
The Board Soul What Keeps You Going By Jeremy Signor • January 16th, 2018 Is the thrill of opening up a game more and more enough to carry a game? In Charterstone’s case, it isn’t.
Digital Voyeurism – A Familiar, if Strange Game By Alyse Stanley • January 15th, 2018 We’ve come to regard phones as such intimate extensions of ourselves. That’s why taking the helm of another’s device is at once instantly familiar and strange.
Checkpoint Saved State By Corey Milne • January 15th, 2018 Corey Milne looks at how Neir: Automata‘s adversarial save system is a function of the game’s narrative.