Gingy's Corner The Merchant Memoirs By Gingy Gibson • March 27th, 2018 The Merchant Memoirs is odd.The Merchant Memoirs is a kinetic visual novel, meaning that you just read the story without making any choices.
Checkpoint Hollow Colossus By Corey Milne • March 26th, 2018 For all the politics in Wolfenstien II: The New Colossus, the game rarely lets players have a chance to examine them.
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine Betrays the Heart of Storytelling By Jeremy Signor • March 26th, 2018 Storytelling is dynamic. Where the Water Tastes Like Wine makes it feel static.
Dispatches from GDC 2018: Day Three By Amanda Hudgins • March 22nd, 2018 Amanda goes to GDC with a press pass. This is a Day Three of her experience.
IGDA, Union-Busting and GDC 2018 By Michelle Ehrhardt • March 22nd, 2018 Former Kingdom of Amalur CEO shockingly comes out as anti-union at GDC
Dispatches from GDC 2018: Day Two By Amanda Hudgins • March 21st, 2018 Amanda goes to GDC with a press pass. This is Day 2 of her experience.
Excerpt The Man of Many Ways By Kate Gray • March 21st, 2018 Was it Mario who blinded the cyclops or Odysseus? I forget.
Dispatches from GDC 2018: Day One By Amanda Hudgins • March 20th, 2018 Amanda goes to GDC with a Press Pass. This is her daily diary of the experience.
Modern-day Cyberpunk Is Already Here By Khee Hoon Chan • March 20th, 2018 So what stories should cyberpunk tell today? As the foreshadowing of dystopian societies inches closer and become less of a distant future, our games should also reflect our conflicting relationship with technology today.
Gingy's Corner Gingy’s Corner: Entschuldigung By Gingy Gibson • March 19th, 2018 This is what happens when you do everything perfectly for 90% of a horror story and then bugger it all up by taking the last twist too far.