GDC 2019 Sure Was a GDC By Davis Cox • April 9th, 2019 Another year, another GDC, another marathon of nonstop people, talks, games, drinks, networking, drinks, business cards, and possibly more drinks.
This Mortal Coyle Drea By Deirdre Coyle • April 8th, 2019 For someone who constantly jokes about dying, the chance to date a ghost carries its own morbid comfort.
Here's the Thing What the Resident Evil 2 Remake Got Wrong By Rob Rich • April 6th, 2019 The recent remake of Resident Evil 2 is fantastic, but Rob feels like its biggest fumble is being ignored.
Baba Is You Rules By Jeremy Signor • April 3rd, 2019 By letting you manipulate the implicit rules of its world, Baba Is You reveals how underlying assumed rules shape how you play games.
Backlog Whose Apocalypse? By Gavin Craig • April 2nd, 2019 While wandering through Far Cry: New Dawn’s unplausible dystopia, Gavin Craig sees it as just one ending in a cycle as old as time.
Red Box By Stu Horvath • April 1st, 2019 This week, we’re talking about the Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set, the iconic red box. We also chat about the Mixtape Massacre board game and the indie TTRPG distro/publisher Exalted Funeral.
Another Look Alone at the End of the World By Yussef Cole • April 1st, 2019 Why developers continue to make post-apocalyptic games is well studied. Yussef Cole instead examines why players like himself love returning to their ruined worlds.
The McMaster Files The Rules By Jason McMaster • March 30th, 2019 Mental illness can make a person obsessive, which – as Jason finds – makes it nearly impossible to dislike games.
Unmissable: Episode 4 By Sara Clemens • March 28th, 2019 It’s all about games on this week’s episode of Unmissable!
The Sax Always Brings Me Back By Levi Rubeck • March 28th, 2019 Angel Du$t fooled the old fans by daring each to hate this laser-beam of everything they’ve ever worked towards.