Life is Strange 2 works to deconstruct the series‘ power fantasy By Malindy Hetfeld • October 8th, 2018 If there is one gripe I had with Life is Strange, then it is that it did too little, too late to hold Max accountable for the harm she caused in using her powers.
Another Look Couples Fighting By Yussef Cole • October 5th, 2018 Unlike the anonymous nastiness of online competition, “couch co-op” games like Overcooked engender a different, more personal form of stress.
Here's The Thing I Hate My Dream Job By Rob Rich • October 4th, 2018 After years of dreaming of getting paid to review videogames, Rob finally got that chance. Then, after almost a decade, he realized that he hated it.
E-soterica My Brother Rabbit Tackles Seriousness with Surrealism By Alyse Stanley • October 3rd, 2018 Under the guise of a point-and-click puzzle game, My Brother Rabbit shows the helplessness and horror of battling illness at a young age.
The Message By Jeremy Signor • October 3rd, 2018 Level design never stands alone. It’s all in how you look at it.
The Heavy Pour Station to Station By Sara Clemens • October 2nd, 2018 When stuck sweaty on an overheated subway platform, it’s hard for Sara not to think that she could do a better job managing things. With Mini Metro, she can give it a shot.
The Uncomfortable Thoughtlessness of Spider-Man By David Shimomura • October 2nd, 2018 Spider-Man works hard to portray Peter as a guy good, but it fails to find nuance in incarcerated populations, foreigners and the ecosystem of New York itself.
Planescape By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • September 30th, 2018 Explore the multiverse with Vintage RPG as they dig into Planescape, the classic D&D campaign setting.
Gingy's Corner Hermes and Gry: A Crooked Plan By Gingy Gibson • September 28th, 2018 There are bad bosses, and then there are bosses willing to sell your organs to a back alley doctor for potion money. This VN features the latter kind.
Feature Excerpt Your Hands Are Always Tied By Adam Goodall • September 27th, 2018 A card game wrestles with the darker side of the clothing production and its own mission to change how players see the world.