Feature Excerpt Everyone’s Already in Jail: Astral Chain, Freedom Wars, and Social Control By Don Everhart • June 5th, 2020 While the main characters in one game are police and in the other they are prisoners, there isn’t much difference in the rhythms of their lives.
Casting Deep Meteo Final Fantasy VI’s Nightmares in the Round By Levi Rubeck • June 4th, 2020 Sometimes the best stories are the ones that sneak up on you.
Bloodlines Corona Standard Time By David Shimomura • June 1st, 2020 Time isn’t even a flat circle anymore.
The Growth and Adaptation of Samuslikes By Don Everhart • May 26th, 2020 Samus Aran, videogames’ own Strong Sci-Fi Female Protagonist, echoes through the medium just like the design of Super Metroid.
Greyhawk By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • May 25th, 2020 We journey to Greyhawk, one of the first RPG campaign settings, and Gary Gygax’s own.
Bloodlines Evil Genius is a Rotting Colossus By David Shimomura • May 25th, 2020 Let old things die, kill them if you have to.
I Played It, Like, Twice… Well, We Warned You: Playing Horrified During a Pandemic By Orrin Grey • May 22nd, 2020 Everything about Horrified echoes the Universal films in ways that will make fans of the original monster franchises grin.
Community Will Always Grow By Anthony McGlynn • May 21st, 2020 “People hate the steel sky, the slums…but I don’t. How could I? All that passion, all those dreams, flowing and blending together into something greater…”
Doom Eternally Better By Stephen Wilds • May 20th, 2020 Doom Eternal goes a long way to ensure players of every ability can tackle the hordes of Hell.