Dilbert and Harry Potter: Fugitives From the Now By Daniel Kibblesmith • June 27th, 2013 Daniel Kibblesmith makes it weird with Harry Potter. And Dilbert.
Relational Quantum Mechanics and Game of Thrones By Jordan Young • June 3rd, 2013 Jordan Young shows you how problematic it is to be an overconfident writer who thinks entirely too much.
Point Hueneme By Amber von Nagel • May 16th, 2013 Amber von Nagel presents a poem from her new collection, Alexandria.
Douglas Adams Made Me an Atheist By Gus Mastrapa • April 12th, 2013 “The inscription in my dog-eared paperback copy of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy carries deep irony. Written in my mother’s clear hand it says “For Gus, Easter ’83.'”
Dollar Store Conan By Michael Edwards • April 3rd, 2013 Michael Edwards braves the schlocky realms of c-grade knock-off fantasy films.
The Stuff of Innocence and Dreams By Michael Edwards • February 20th, 2013 Dogs, outer space, and harsh truths: Laika and the space race.
Unsung Myths By Michael Edwards • January 23rd, 2013 Michael Edwards explores the impact of Conan the Barbarian author Robert E. Howard on the beginnings of the dark fantasy genre.