Rookie of the Year The Seinfeld OASIS By Matt Marrone • July 6th, 2015 The Rookie of the Year visits Seinfeld’s apartment after reading Ready Player One. Surreal? Not as much as you’d think.
The Waitress By Bill Coberly • June 2nd, 2015 When Carl met the Waitress, it was love at first Manhattan.
The Burnt Offering Eschatology By Stu Horvath • May 21st, 2015 Stu Horvath wonders why the apocalypse hold such appeal in popular culture.
Bad Shit By Joe DeMartino • May 19th, 2015 Want to never sleep again? Let Joe DeMartino tell you all the possible ways the world can end.
Surviving the Apocalypse? Fuck that Shit! By Ed Coleman • May 18th, 2015 If the world ends, Ed Coleman is determined to end with it.
The Woods are Dark and Deep: An Interview with John Langan By Stu Horvath • May 14th, 2015 Stu Horvath talks to horror writer John Langan about werewolves, narrative and horror’s place in culture.
Unwinnable Weekly Issue Thirty-Two By L. Rhodes and Stu Horvath • February 13th, 2015 L. Rhodes spills the beans on the next Unwinnable periodical and Stu Horvath introduces the stories in the latest issue of the Weekly.
900 Eggs for Breakfast By L. Rhodes • February 9th, 2015 L. Rhodes chides the scientists who chide science fiction authors for not being scientific enough.
The Burnt Offering No Disintegrations By Stu Horvath • August 11th, 2014 In which Stu Horvath calls out Boba Fett for the chump that he is.