genre fiction by people who aren’t cis white dudes By Amanda Hudgins • November 25th, 2020 Every few years there’s a push for people to read more books by writers who are not white or writers who are not male or writers who are not cis-gendered or Western.
Strong Openers By Amanda Hudgins • November 17th, 2020 A good opening line is like the sound of opening a can of soda on a hot day, it’s a promise of things to come.
Lankhmar By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • September 21st, 2020 This week on the Vintage RPG Podcast, we walk the shadowy streets of Lankhmar: City of Adventure, one of the greatest RPG city sourcebooks.
Midnight Sun is a Mistake By Amanda Hudgins • August 17th, 2020 Midnight Sun, the 2020 follow-up to the Twilight series, was a mistake.
Three Hearts and Three Lions By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • August 17th, 2020 Travel through time to World War II, then travel through time again to the age of Charlemagne, and learn the secrets of the knight of three hearts and three lions.
Self Insert Quarantine Fics By Amanda Hudgins • August 10th, 2020 When the entire world is on lockdown, even alternate universes start hitting closer to home.
The Case Against Reality By James K. Anderson • July 27th, 2020 Is human perception akin to a species-specific user interface?
Rookie of the Year America is Under the Dome By Matt Marrone • July 8th, 2020 Watching what feels like an endless newsfeed of new acts of police brutality every day, Matt can feel the Dome closing in.
Self Insert No Beta We Die Like Men By Amanda Hudgins • July 8th, 2020 Readers never know what they’re going to get with this tag. It may be a warning, but it’s not always deserved.
Experiencing World War Z During a Pandemic By Van Dennis • June 26th, 2020 World War Z suddenly feels extremely relevant.