Noteworthy Hip Hop Rediscovering 24-Carat Black By Noah Springer • December 22nd, 2020 Noah talks to Zach Schonfeld about his new book on the overlooked legacy of funk and soul band 24-Carat Black.
Casting Deep Meteo Red Dead Redemption Precedes the Territory By Levi Rubeck • December 16th, 2020 The many flavors of The West (of the United States, specifically) are boiled down to a single salty broth for cinematic consumption.
When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain By Amanda Hudgins • December 7th, 2020 A sequel to Nghi Vo’s also fantastic Empress of Salt and Fortune, When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain is a story about oral history and mythmaking.
Exploits 2010 – 2019 By Stu Horvath • December 1st, 2020 Do not party like it’s 2019. Wear masks. Be socially distant. Stay home.
2800 words on Ready Player Two By Amanda Hudgins • November 30th, 2020 The weirdest thing about Ready Player Two is that it decides to confront the criticisms of Ready Player One head on in the least effective way you could imagine.
genre fiction by people who aren’t cis white dudes By Amanda Hudgins • November 25th, 2020 Every few years there’s a push for people to read more books by writers who are not white or writers who are not male or writers who are not cis-gendered or Western.
Strong Openers By Amanda Hudgins • November 17th, 2020 A good opening line is like the sound of opening a can of soda on a hot day, it’s a promise of things to come.
Lankhmar By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • September 21st, 2020 This week on the Vintage RPG Podcast, we walk the shadowy streets of Lankhmar: City of Adventure, one of the greatest RPG city sourcebooks.
Midnight Sun is a Mistake By Amanda Hudgins • August 17th, 2020 Midnight Sun, the 2020 follow-up to the Twilight series, was a mistake.
Three Hearts and Three Lions By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • August 17th, 2020 Travel through time to World War II, then travel through time again to the age of Charlemagne, and learn the secrets of the knight of three hearts and three lions.