Winter’s Orbit, Fireheart Tiger, and the Empire By Amanda Hudgins • February 5th, 2021 I started reading Aliette de Bodard’s Fireheart Tiger around the same time as I started finishing Everina Maxwell’s Winter’s Orbit and found overlap in both the temporal and literal sense.
Exploits Feature RECOURSE: The Anthropocene Reviewed and Turtles All the Way Down By Autumn Wright • January 31st, 2021 Like Green’s novels, mine is not a love story.
Everybody Has a Podcast (Except You) Review By Amanda Hudgins • January 25th, 2021 Advice books need to hit a sweet spot of giving the right amount of advice for the audience of course, but again I’m not sure who Everybody Has a Podcast is for.
Terry Pratchett’s Antidote to Copaganda By Hannah Copestake • January 21st, 2021 Why aren’t the police on the side of ordinary people?
Best of 2020 The Best Books of 2020 By Team Unwinnable • December 28th, 2020 Books will continue to inspire, instruct, entertain, baffle and illuminate our lives and the interestingly cursed times that we find ourselves embroiled in.
Noteworthy Hip Hop Rediscovering 24-Carat Black By Noah Springer • December 22nd, 2020 Noah talks to Zach Schonfeld about his new book on the overlooked legacy of funk and soul band 24-Carat Black.
Casting Deep Meteo Red Dead Redemption Precedes the Territory By Levi Rubeck • December 16th, 2020 The many flavors of The West (of the United States, specifically) are boiled down to a single salty broth for cinematic consumption.
When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain By Amanda Hudgins • December 7th, 2020 A sequel to Nghi Vo’s also fantastic Empress of Salt and Fortune, When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain is a story about oral history and mythmaking.
Exploits 2010 – 2019 By Stu Horvath • December 1st, 2020 Do not party like it’s 2019. Wear masks. Be socially distant. Stay home.
2800 words on Ready Player Two By Amanda Hudgins • November 30th, 2020 The weirdest thing about Ready Player Two is that it decides to confront the criticisms of Ready Player One head on in the least effective way you could imagine.