Mind Palaces Shelf Fodder By Maddi Chilton • December 29th, 2023 The sacralization of literature – the item, not the concept – becomes annoying at best when faced with just how much of our literary ephemera is garbage.
This Mortal Coyle I Married My Goth GF in Starfield but I Feel Nothing By Deirdre Coyle • December 28th, 2023 Starfield is Bethesda’s biggest game to date. More to explore, more dialogue options, more NPCs. So why don’t I feel attached to any of the characters?
Past Presence Object Lessons #3: Megadungeon By Emily Price • December 27th, 2023 What is a dungeon? This is the kind of question you think about when you draw your fiftieth square grid room that contains yet another statue and another random battle.
Funeral Rites Getting Exiled with My Chivalric Bromance By Alyssa Wejebe • December 26th, 2023 While its title is a tribute to and parody of the classic New Jersey emo band My Chemical Romance, the game’s roots dig down through medieval history.
Feature Excerpt How We Learned to Stop Arguing and Enjoy the Vibes By Aldo Garcia • December 22nd, 2023 Style (like modern discourse itself) is everything to Killer7.
Feature Excerpt A Destructive Love Affair with Minimaps By Jon Place • December 21st, 2023 As games got bigger, and their worlds got bigger still, the need for a constant map sitting on the screen at all times became more important as a tool for navigation.
Letter from the Editor Unwinnable Monthly – December 2023 By David Shimomura • December 19th, 2023 A very merry Killer7 cover to you all!
Here's the Thing Thank You Monster Hunter Now By Rob Rich • December 15th, 2023 As despised as mobile adaptations of popular games may be, Rob has a particular appreciation for Monster Hunter Now and how it got him back on the hunt.
Forms in Light Primal Problems By Justin Reeve • December 14th, 2023 The architecture in Far Cry Primal closely mirrors the structures and techniques used in the Upper Paleolithic Period, providing a pretty good picture of the past
Noah's Beat Box Fine Philly Dining By Noah Springer • December 12th, 2023 Philly is known for all sorts of things – a bell, a boxer, a sitcom – but Noah knows it by reputation as one of the better food cities out there, specifically for sandwiches.