Rookie of the Year: Use Your Allusion By Matt Marrone • August 1st, 2011 The Ayn Rand-inspired BioShock has Matt Marrone flashing back to his days as a lit major; he suggests other classic literature be turned into videogames.
Rookie of the Year: The Biggest Loser By Matt Marrone • July 19th, 2011 Matt Marrone wants to change his life (and get healthier). He turns to the iOS app Lose It! and Fable 2 for inspiration.
Rookie of the Year: This Was A Triumph By Matt Marrone • July 5th, 2011 The Unwinnable Rookie of the Year, Matt Marrone, doesn’t care that the cake is a lie. He is an unabashed Portal fanboy now thanks to Valve’s Portal 1 and 2.
Rookie of the Year: Blood Brothers By Matt Marrone • June 21st, 2011 Matt Marrone played Left 4 Dead 2 on XBox Live for the first time and wound up killing Ken Lucas in a hail of bullets… a lot.
Rookie of the Year: Grandfather Theft Auto By Matt Marrone • June 6th, 2011 Matt Marrone is new to next gen consoles. He just started playing Grand Theft Auto IV and remembers his first adult videogame – Leisure Suit Larry.
Rookie of the Year: The Walking Dead By Matt Marrone • May 23rd, 2011 Matt Marrone, a new gamer, plays the Valve multiplayer shooter, Left 4 Dead 2. Now he loves killing zombies. Will his new-found blood lust ever be satiated?
Rookie of the Year: Hell’s Kitchen By Matt Marrone • May 9th, 2011 In this edition of Rookie of the Year, Matt Marrone plays Gears of War, muses about Super Mario Bros. and almost burns his apartment down.
Rookie of the Year: The Newlywed Game By Matt Marrone • April 25th, 2011 Matt Marrone hasn’t had a TV for years. Now he owns an Xbox 360 and Fable II. He has only just begun his journey.