Rookie of the Year Shit Show By Matt Marrone • March 31st, 2017 What the opening segment of S-Town, the podcast everyone loves this week, should have told us.
Rookie of the Year Whichworld? By Matt Marrone • February 4th, 2017 Which robot-populated historical simulation theme park would you visit?
Rookie of the Year The Song Doesn’t Remain the Same By Matt Marrone • December 27th, 2016 “That long November 8 night has already had a notable aesthetic effect: the way we hear the music of 2016 has changed, perhaps forever.”
Rookie of the Year The 1-Year-Old’s Guide to Gaming By Matt Marrone • November 24th, 2016 “As we track his progress from infancy into full-blown toddlerhood, we’ve seen him come up with some pretty awesome [game] titles.”
Rookie of the Year If You Want to View Paradise By Matt Marrone • October 10th, 2016 “In high school, I wrote a musical.” Matt Marrone recalls a glorious time and pays tribute to Gene Wilder.
Rookie of the Year The Message, Received By Matt Marrone • December 18th, 2015 Matt Marrone recounts his history with fiction podcasts, starting with Welles’ 1938 War of the Worlds and ending with the 2015 The Message.
Rookie of the Year Rookie of the Year: The Scariest, Saddest Song of 2016 By Matt Marrone • November 5th, 2015 “What happens when you can’t even remember those favorite things that make you not feel so bad?” Matt Marrone on the horror of Daughter’s first track of 2016.
Rookie of the Year Rookie of the Year: I am Google Cardboard By Matt Marrone • October 22nd, 2015 “I am Google Cardboard. I come to this realization slowly.” Matt Marrone explores VR, horror, and childhood with a cardboard case and an expensive smartphone.
Rookie of the Year Rookie of the Year: Jesus Stalks By Matt Marrone • October 5th, 2015 “When I go to church, it’s not to worship. It’s to stalk musicians.” Matt Marrone finds a way to enjoy his favorite off-tour band live.
Rookie of the Year Rookie of the Year: A Matter of Time By Matt Marrone • September 22nd, 2015 “Why am I floating above the city of Toronto?” Matt Marrone gets creative with a suite of CG geometric iOS photography additives.