MTV Cribs: Mankind Divided Edition By David Shimomura • September 12th, 2016 The way people make a place our of space can be one of the most defining characteristics about them. Just take care to do it right.
Assumptive Weakness in Competitive Gaming By Richard Clark • September 11th, 2016 “He is a literal god,” exclaimed the eSports announcer with abandon about a particularly good Rocket League player.
People Are Angry By Andrea Ayres • September 9th, 2016 People are angry. That’s a phrase I’ve heard some variation of trumpeted over and over again during this election cycle,
Last Week’s Comics 9/8/2016 By Sal Lucci, David Shimomura and Michael Edwards • September 7th, 2016 Team Unwinnable share their thoughts on The Killer Inside Me # 1, The Witcher: Curse of Crows # 1 and Predator Vs. Judge Dredd Vs. Aliens #2.
Shut Up and Play the Moments By David Shimomura • September 6th, 2016 Madden is doing the smart thing by lowering the cost of entry to their franchise and making players into human highlight reels.
Hate Issue – Recap By Team Unwinnable • September 2nd, 2016 Excerpts from the Unwinnable Monthly Hate issue.
Haters Gonna Hate By Amanda Hudgins • September 1st, 2016 What is a hater anymore? What is an alpha hater? How does Ke$ha factor into it?
You Are What You Hate By Megan Condis • August 31st, 2016 “Being a geek is all about being honest about what you enjoy and not being afraid to demonstrate that affection. … It’s basically a license to proudly emote.”
Last Week’s Comics 8/31/2016 By David Shimomura and Sara Clemens • August 31st, 2016 Team Unwinnable shares their thoughts on Clean Room # 11 and She Wolf # 3.
Metroidvanias, Roguelikes and Dungeons&CallOfQuesters By David Shimomura • August 29th, 2016 Metroidvania, roguelike-like, just how far have these titles drifted from their original meaning? They’re words we all understand, for better or worse.