Wonderful and Fantastic – An Excerpt from Unwinnable Monthly 95 By Pascal Wagner • September 21st, 2017 Shameful? Depressing? No, playing Wolfenstein: The New Order while being German is more ludicrous than you’d think.
Last Week’s Comics 9/20/2017 By Ian Gonzales, Michael Edwards and Sara Clemens • September 20th, 2017 Team Unwinnable shares their thoughts on some comics they read last week including The Wicked + the Divine # 31 and Wonder Woman: Gods and Mortals.
Hit the Pavement – An Excerpt from Unwinnable Monthly 95 By Ryan Cooper • September 20th, 2017 Where the Water Tastes Like Wine is a game about storytelling, so Ryan Cooper sets out to find a story to tell. He starts by picking up a hitchhiker…
Choir of the Mind, ASMR of the Soul By Levi Rubeck • September 19th, 2017 Playlists, mixes, links IM’d by friends, auto-plays based on cookies, and radio, each a tributary spiraling out in serpentines towards and through the larger rivers of our shared musical canon.
Letter from the Editor Unwinnable Monthly – September 2017 By Stu Horvath • September 15th, 2017 Our September issue is here and it is bursting with goodness. Stu gives you the nickle tour.
Last Week’s Comics 9/13/2017 By Ian Gonzales and Michael Edwards • September 13th, 2017 Team Unwinnable shares their thoughts on this week’s Ash Vs. the Army of Darkness # 3 and the two week old Rebels Vol. 2 # 6.
Deathmatch: The Definition of Frustration By Levi Rubeck • September 12th, 2017 These are just games, and I’m being a little dramatic. But it’s worth considering what we allow the media we enjoy to wring out of us—the catharsis of great pathos or joy from a safe distance.
2017’s It Isn’t Scary, It’s Frightening By David Shimomura • September 11th, 2017 It’s strangest quality as a film is that it’s a horror movie that is simply not very scary. While the line between scary and not is porous, subjective, and obtuse, it’s up to a movie to either define its terms or define itself in relation to existing ones.
Gingy's Corner Dysfunctional Systems is about bringing order to the world By Gingy Gibson • September 11th, 2017 Dysfunctional Systems is a visual novel series about trying to bring order to the world.
Self-Insert Alpha/Beta/Omega FanFic By Amanda Hudgins • September 7th, 2017 The things we saw when we searched Google images for Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics to illustrate this article would make all the cenobites in Hellraiser blush.