Letter from the Editor Unwinnable Monthly – February 2018 By Stu Horvath • February 16th, 2018 We hit our 100th issue and handed it off to Bullet Points. Get the skinny here!
Here's the Thing Perspectives By Rob Rich • February 15th, 2018 Rob recounts his experience with the videogame industry (both inside and out). Turns out a lot of people have the wrong idea.
Last Week's Comics Last Week’s Comics 2/15/2018 By Ian Gonzales and Sara Clemens • February 15th, 2018 Team Unwinnable shares their thoughts on the latest issues of Rogue and Gambit and The Wicked + The Divine.
Documentary Sunday That Sugar Film By Megan Condis • February 14th, 2018 Can a documentary be considered brain food?
The Dioramic Ambiance of Overland By Levi Rubeck • February 14th, 2018 It’s very Hemingway-ian in it’s simplicity, which fits the Overland modus operandi so far: by doing less they’re planting the seeds for player generation of the narrative, tending their own stories of failure and maybe success, eventually.
The Burnt Offering Signs & Portents By Stu Horvath • February 13th, 2018 In Gorogoa, nothing is what it appears to be.
Another Look “Villains” By Yussef Cole • February 12th, 2018 Assassin’s Creed Origins is too quick to dispose of women of color antagonists who deserved a chance at redemption.
This Mortal Coyle April Ryan By Deirdre Coyle • February 9th, 2018 April Ryan, the hero of The Longest Journey, is smart, capable and deals with plenty of bullshit from creepy dudes. So basically: Every Woman.
Gingy's Corner Gingy’s Corner: Nicole: The Otome By Gingy Gibson • February 9th, 2018 Nicole is a bland, semi-competent mess of a dating sim.
Backlog The Sense of an Ending By Gavin Craig • February 8th, 2018 Life goes on. Our stories don’t have to.