No Accounting for Taste On Being Human. Or Not By Adam Boffa • October 3rd, 2018 Automata wonders whether humanity is as important as it thinks it is.
The Heavy Pour Station to Station By Sara Clemens • October 2nd, 2018 When stuck sweaty on an overheated subway platform, it’s hard for Sara not to think that she could do a better job managing things. With Mini Metro, she can give it a shot.
The Uncomfortable Thoughtlessness of Spider-Man By David Shimomura • October 2nd, 2018 Spider-Man works hard to portray Peter as a guy good, but it fails to find nuance in incarcerated populations, foreigners and the ecosystem of New York itself.
Backlog Shut It Down By Gavin Craig • October 1st, 2018 Gavin Craig talks about how institutions are just that: institutions. And they can overstay their usefulness.
Exploits Feature “This is America” Parodies By Amanda Hudgins • October 1st, 2018 “This is America” has been made into a dire warning for more than just the United States.
Planescape By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • September 30th, 2018 Explore the multiverse with Vintage RPG as they dig into Planescape, the classic D&D campaign setting.
Gingy's Corner Hermes and Gry: A Crooked Plan By Gingy Gibson • September 28th, 2018 There are bad bosses, and then there are bosses willing to sell your organs to a back alley doctor for potion money. This VN features the latter kind.
Feature Excerpt Your Hands Are Always Tied By Adam Goodall • September 27th, 2018 A card game wrestles with the darker side of the clothing production and its own mission to change how players see the world.
Bullets are the Pennies By Levi Rubeck • September 27th, 2018 Destiny 2 is penny slots, a string of tiny thrills occasionally punctuated with glowing ones.
Rookie of the Year The Running Matt By Matt Marrone • September 25th, 2018 Matt Marrone muses where he’d escape to if faced with the dilemma of Stephen King’s The Running Man.