No Accounting for Tastes Undoing Ruin By Adam Boffa • August 8th, 2019 In Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Hayao Miyazaki provides an early glimpse of the concerns – and hopes – that would inform his filmmaking career.
Checkpoint SMASH By Corey Milne • August 7th, 2019 In Corey’s mind, Nintendo is only second to Disney when it comes to pure brand power. And he has the nostalgia to prove it.
Memescape Choose Your Own Twitter Thread By Alyse Stanley • August 6th, 2019 A.K.A. when Twitter role-played as Beyonce’s assistant.
LJN Dungeons & Dragons Toys By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • August 5th, 2019 We open up Stu’s toy chest and (CAREFULLY) play with his LJN D&D toys. We also talk about Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night and the D&D Young Adventurers Guides.
Episode 12: Midsommar By Sara Clemens and David Shimomura • August 3rd, 2019 It’s all about horror in the daylight and getting eaten by bears on this episode of Unmissable as the gang brings back Yussef Cole to talk Midsommar!
Here's the Thing Let’s Talk About Mitch Hedberg By Rob Rich • August 2nd, 2019 Rob ruminates on one of his favorite comedians and how, despite appearances, they’re still a shining example of how jokes can be hilarious without being mean.
Does die Hoffnung Get Played at Emo Nights By Levi Rubeck • August 1st, 2019 Love Songs, by die Hoffnung, inspires Levi Rubeck to poetry.
Another Look Evangelion and Endings By Yussef Cole • August 1st, 2019 Twenty years later, what’s it like to watch the anime that made you stop watching anime?