Killer By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • May 18th, 2020 The RPG most likely to get someone to call the cops on you.
Revving the Engine Omno: In Search of Awe By Stu Horvath • May 14th, 2020 Omno seemed to want to wander, to find adventure, to “be awed by the world around him.”
There is no Why, Only Escape By Levi Rubeck • May 14th, 2020 GTFO is a brutal, unforgiving, and niche experience.
Try Reading... Buck Destiny By Harry Rabinowitz • May 14th, 2020 In Norroway, is destiny something to fulfill or defy?
Forms in Light Japan Style Architecture By Justin Reeve • May 13th, 2020 The structures in Sekiro were clearly created by people with a passion for traditional architecture
Here's the Thing The Weird and Disturbing World of Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends By Rob Rich • May 12th, 2020 Rob remembers one of his favorite cartoon shows, about a foster home for imaginary friends, and realizes that it’s kiiiiiiiiiinda disturbing when thinking about the details.
Self Insert Expectations By Amanda Hudgins • May 11th, 2020 There’s a different expectation in books versus fanfiction; one predicated on tags and warnings.
Lord of the Rings Adventure Game By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • May 11th, 2020 Remember the Lord of the Rings Adventure Game from Iron Crown Enterprises? I bet you don’t!
The McMaster Files A Smaller World By Jason McMaster • May 10th, 2020 With everything that’s going on, Jason’s found that his favorite Twitch streamers have helped make things a bit easier and the world a little smaller.