A Joyous Insignificance Among the Stars By Levi Rubeck • July 18th, 2019 Will future generations know about the simple technologies we take for granted but have a high likelihood of getting lost in the oncoming floods?
Freedom is the Lance By Levi Rubeck • July 12th, 2019 I dream of the actual sense of commanding space and time through piloting a vehicle
When the World was Ready, Jawbox Returned By Levi Rubeck • June 27th, 2019 Intricate while free of self-indulgence, threaded with pop structures but heated up and twisted into gnarly, liminal forms, Jawbox was music that forced you to pay attention.
Running the Void Beyond Bitmaps and Chiptunes By Levi Rubeck • June 20th, 2019 Benjamin Soulé’s Voidrun expertly navigates limitation, inspiration, and curse-sputtering difficulty.
Ferocious Spells, Winding Sigils By Levi Rubeck • June 13th, 2019 Building off similar grunge and noise-rock vibes as Made Out of Babies, Elizabeth Colour Wheel builds out from that frame.
Finding Worth in Space Servitude By Levi Rubeck • June 6th, 2019 Joy in this game is finding solace in purgatory, stealing time from your corporate overlords, demanding value in one’s self not because of what you produce for your British AI warden.
Five More From PAX East 2019 By Levi Rubeck • May 23rd, 2019 Cutting through my notes of PAX East 2019 (and earlier, gulp) to drop a few thoughts on small, punchy games coming forth hopefully soon.
Chasing Pinballs Through the Earth By Levi Rubeck • May 16th, 2019 Creature in the Well is a sly title that purports that everything’s all been laid out.
The Beatdown is Coming Back By Levi Rubeck • May 9th, 2019 Streets of Rage 4 is as much a mixtape rhythm game as it was a brawl simulator.
Cuter Than a Cat in a Bowtie By Levi Rubeck • May 2nd, 2019 There’s more to Outerloop Games’s Falcon Age than the titular falcon.