Campfire By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • May 31st, 2021 Gather round the fire, I’ll tell you a tale…
The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • May 24th, 2021 Every word spoken in this episode is the gospel truth and I will challenge anyone who says otherwise to a duel.
Delta Green (1997) By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • May 17th, 2021 Sorry, your security clearance isn’t authorized for this episode.
Book of Vile Darkness By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • May 10th, 2021 Let’s get evil! Like, so, so evil. The evilest! Evil, evil, evil.
Nick Tofani and Gradient Descent By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • May 3rd, 2021 In space…you’re just going to die horribly, come on, let’s be honest.
Nightlife By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • April 19th, 2021 An RPG about playing creatures of the night, a year before White Wolf’s World of Darkness.
David Hoskins Interview By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • April 12th, 2021 You’ve seen his pen work in Acid Death Fantasy, The Isle of the Plangent Mage and, soon, in Through Ultan’s Door.