Babes in the Wood By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • October 25th, 2021 Nothing like exploring a deep dark wood on Halloween night.
Letter from the Editor Unwinnable Monthly – October 2021 By David Shimomura • October 18th, 2021 Welcome to the Spoopy Issue!
more genre fiction by people who aren’t cis white dudes By Amanda Hudgins • October 15th, 2021 it seems very odd that we associate science fiction with near identical looking white guys when the first science fiction novel was written by a goth teenage girl who lost her virginity on her mothers’ grave.
The Sleeper Has Awakened: Watching the David Lynch Dune for the First Time in this, the Second Year of the Plague By Orrin Grey • October 14th, 2021 So, nearly forty years later, in a world with a very different cinematic landscape, on the cusp of a new, much bigger-budget adaptation, did I come out knowing that I’ve seen Dune?
Kult By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • October 11th, 2021 We have such sights to show you. Wait, no, wrong horror franchise.
DISASTER PARADISE: at the Centre of the Miiverse By Gwil Jones • October 8th, 2021 Like so much of the Wii U, Miiverse’s emerald-green message boards have been taped off for years, a generic error message flatly reminding us of its indefinite closure and the start-up stampede replaced with lifeless replica dolls.
Feature Excerpt Blasting the Canon By Andrew Goddard • October 7th, 2021 What classical music can teach us about constructing a videogame canon
A Distinctive Experience: Overboard (1987) on Blu-ray in 2021 By Orrin Grey • October 7th, 2021 Overboard must be saved from itself.
Feature Excerpt Assassin’s Creed Valhalla’s Crises of Faith By Ryan Stevens • October 6th, 2021 Assassin’s Creed has long been able culture clash, but what about clashes of faith?
Amanda Lee Franck Interview By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • October 4th, 2021 Amanda Lee Franck is back with a pile of forthcoming projects!