
Last Week’s Comics 6/4/2014
Ian Gonzales reviews Batman #31, Sal Lucci reviews The Star Wars #8, Michael Edwards takes on Giant-Size Spider-Man #1, Jill Scharr looks at Nightwing #30 and Black Canary and Zatanna: Bloodspell and Stu Horvath gushes over C.O.W.L. #1 in this week’s edition of Last Week’s Comics.

Hulk Loves Fabio
During the delirious early morning hours of our second Kickstarter telethon, Stu Horvath, speaking to no one in particular, announced, “The funny thing about Wizards & Warriors II: Iron Sword is that Fabio is on the cover.” Everyone on the stream – Unwinnable editor-at-large Charles Moran, Unwinnable contributor Matt Duhamel and game designers Teddy Diefenbach and Nina Freeman – suddenly had a joke to make. One joke was particularly portentous: someone compared Fabio’s barbarian girdle to a wrestling belt. It was the birth of a Twine game. Teddy quickly created an open design doc and a rough plot followed suit. What

Unwinnable Island
There isn’t always a lighthouse… In a recent Team Unwinnable survey, members were asked to rank, in order of importance, four of our ongoing construction projects: digital distribution pipelines, members only forum, an official store and our fortress on Unwinnable Island. That last one was a joke. We don’t have a plan to build a secret island headquarters. We don’t even own an island (or do we?). Of course, the good people of Team Unwinnable voted overwhelmingly for Unwinnable Island to be our first priority. We hate to disappoint, so Matt Duhamel volunteered to create Unwinnable Island from scratch in