If You’re Not Watching Ash vs Evil Dead, You’re Doing It Wrong By Dominic Preston • October 5th, 2016 Ash is still a doofus, still has a boomstick and a chainsaw hand, and there’s still enough blood to make Carrie blush. And it still rules.
Last Week’s Comics 10/5/2016 By Michael Edwards, Sara Clemens and David Shimomura • October 5th, 2016 Team Unwinnable reviews this week’s James Bond 007, last week’s Saga and X-Men ’92!
Virginia Is a Game, But Should It Be? By Dominic Preston • September 28th, 2016 Bickering about whether something is or isn’t a videogame is boring. Let’s talk about whether it should be a videogame.
Spilled Ink Toriko: The Health Benefits of Heavy Eating By Austin Price • September 28th, 2016 One of the most over the top mangas, Toriko, is coming to a close, and doing it in the most spectacularly gargantuan fashion.
This Week’s Comics 9/28/2016 By Ian Gonzales, Sal Lucci, Sara Clemens and David Shimomura • September 28th, 2016 The LWC gang shares their thoughts on a slew of Dark Horse Comics! We review the latest Tarzan of the Planet of the Apes, Elf Quest and Cryptocracy issues.
Rogue Wizards: Endlessly Addictive, Utterly Conventional By Khee Hoon Chan • September 27th, 2016 Spellbind Studios’ first game Rogue Wizards measures up in the crowded rogue-like dungeon crawler space on Steam, but stumbles when differentiating itself.
Rebels is an Essential Piece of Star Wars Storytelling By AJ Moser • September 26th, 2016 With impeccable art design, music cues and cameos, Rebels feels as in-universe as any other Star Wars story.
Rive: A Clash of Intent and Execution By Matthew Byrd • September 23rd, 2016 Rive is a pupil dilating, breathless shooter that delivers the gratification, but suffers from a lack of identity.
Last Week’s Comics 9/21/2016 By David Shimomura and Michael Edwards • September 21st, 2016 Team Unwinnable reviews this week’s Hellboy and the BPRD 1954: Black Sun # 1 and last week’s All Star Batman # 2.
Culture Starved By Stu Horvath • September 20th, 2016 Stu’s been so busy, he wonders if he’ll ever get back to consuming culture the way he used to.