Assassination Nation has Blood in its Teeth By Amanda Hudgins • October 1st, 2018 The moral of Assassination Nation is that high school boys are terrible and you should kill them.
Planescape By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • September 30th, 2018 Explore the multiverse with Vintage RPG as they dig into Planescape, the classic D&D campaign setting.
Gingy's Corner Hermes and Gry: A Crooked Plan By Gingy Gibson • September 28th, 2018 There are bad bosses, and then there are bosses willing to sell your organs to a back alley doctor for potion money. This VN features the latter kind.
FASCINATION Never Be Clean Again By Astrid Budgor • September 28th, 2018 “Oh, so society’s to blame …”
Feature Excerpt Your Hands Are Always Tied By Adam Goodall • September 27th, 2018 A card game wrestles with the darker side of the clothing production and its own mission to change how players see the world.
E-soterica Going Through The Motions of Work in Fortune-499 By Khee Hoon Chan • September 26th, 2018 How does one introduce themselves to a disinterested stranger and exchange suggestions on “honing competitive advantages through collaboration”?
The Donner Party By Jen Sisco and Robin Mazzolla • September 25th, 2018 Chow down on a feast of facts about the Donner Party!
Puzzler oQo Taught Me How to Relax by Stressing Me Out By Malindy Hetfeld • September 24th, 2018 oQo however, derives most of its atmosphere from you taking the time you need to just take everything in. It’s by no means a fast game. The music is lilting, punctuated by a clear ping every time to trigger a circle.
This Mortal Coyle Top Ten Characters I Hate By Deirdre Coyle • September 24th, 2018 September 2018 is the first anniversary of This Mortal Coyle and, to celebrate, Deirdre Coyle lists ten characters that make her blood boil.
Feature Suspended, Mid-air By Davis Cox • September 21st, 2018 The fervor that fueled indie success after success on Kickstarter in the early 2010s has fizzled. Now, all that’s left are the dissatisfied, both fans and creators alike.