Beginnings By Brian Taylor • July 13th, 2012 Every week, Brian Taylor digs through the Unwinnable archives to bring old gems to your attention. This week’s theme, appropriately, is Beginnings.
Star Trek’s Top 5 Villains By Michael Sheridan • May 26th, 2012 Michael Sheridan looks for the five best Star Trek villains, and has a harder time finding them than he thought.
Mother’s Legacy: Engendering AI in Videogames By Cara Ellison • March 30th, 2012 Mother, why are you trying to kill us? Cara Ellison examines the foundations of fear for the female AI.
Pocket Treasures: An Unethical Number of Enemies By Brendan Keogh • March 22nd, 2012 Pocket Treasures is a column about the iPhone games you might have missed – the small. The absurd. The disposable. The too-popular. The implausible.
The Dusty Hoard – RoboCop 2: The Official Movie Adaptation By Ian Gonzales • March 22nd, 2012 Ian Gonzales takes a break from shooting Nuke to reread RoboCop 2: The Official Movie Adaptation.
Pushing Buttons With Arthur By Gus Mastrapa • March 16th, 2012 Gus Mastrapa finds that gaming is the best way to interact with his 3-year-old nephew.
Mass Dejection By Brian Taylor • March 13th, 2012 Unhappy Mass Effect 3 fans have started a petition to have the ending of the game changed. Brian Taylor wonders why.
Ride ’em Till They Break By Gus Mastrapa • March 2nd, 2012 Gus Mastrapa finds a connection between HBO’s Luck and our ruthlessness as gamers.
Halo, Southpaw and the Left Hand Path By Gus Mastrapa • February 24th, 2012 Gus Mastrapa draws a tenuous line between left-handed controls for videogames and the Church of Satan. Will you follow him down that path?
The IGF is Just Fine – You’re the Problem By Jenn Frank • February 23rd, 2012 Jenn Frank takes issue with recent criticism of the IGF and explains why you shouldn’t fight the people who love you. Hint: it’s because they love you.