Revving the Engine: Planet Alpha 31 By Stu Horvath • November 19th, 2015 Stu interviews Adrian Lazar, (mostly) sole developer of alien platformer Planet Alpha 31. Part of a series of profiles sponsored by Epic.
You’re the Worst: The Show that’s Nearly as Good as its Theme Tune By Declan Taggart • November 18th, 2015 Slothrust are like some old creepy person with a knife, but the knife’s for the cake you didn’t see before and it tastes really good. You’re the Worst doesn’t have any cake but I don’t see a knife anywhere either.
Revving the Engine: Adrift By Stu Horvath • November 12th, 2015 Stu interviews Adam Orth, creator of the upcoming space “first person experience (FPX)” ADR1FT. Part of a series of profiles sponsored by Epic.
Not Everything is For Me, and That’s Okay By Tim Mulkerin • November 11th, 2015 Does rage boil up inside you when you hear about yet another game being “remastered”? There’s a good reason for it, just take a deep breath.
A Collection of Apocalypses: An Interview with Paul Tremblay By Stu Horvath • November 5th, 2015 “When horror is done well, I love the sense of awe, of holy-shit-what-is-that…” Stu talks with horror writer Paul Tremblay on his influences, past and future.
Revving the Engine: Quest-Based Learning By Stu Horvath • October 15th, 2015 Stu interviews Dr. Cynthia Marcello, professor at SUNY Sullivan using quest based learning to teach Unreal Engine 4. Part of a series of profiles sponsored by Epic.
Letters from the Rapture By Reid McCarter and Jed Pressgrove • September 29th, 2015 “Do you think the failure to engage with Rapture as a work regarding spirituality is borne of fear? Or intellectual laziness?”
Thoughts on the Internet’s Teen Angst By David Wolinsky • August 27th, 2015 “‘You shouldn’t even exist’ is the new ‘you misplaced a comma.'” David Wolinsky on critique in the age of Twitter.
A Season in Hell By Luke Pullen • July 30th, 2015 “Toronto is the Platonic ideal of a city”. Luke Pullen escapes the Toronto winter with transgression in The Elder Scrolls.
The Unseen – A Guide to Recent Lesser-Known Horror Films By Stu Horvath • February 10th, 2015 Stu Horvath recommends a comprehensive list of nearly 80 excellent horror movies you’ve never heard of.