Daydreams of Lightning By Harry Rabinowitz • September 2nd, 2015 “I’m not really ‘thinking about’ XIII at all. It’s more like I’m daydreaming about it.” Harry Rabinowitz daydreams his own fantasy of XIII.
Shaping Worlds By Kaitlin Tremblay • August 20th, 2015 “My favorite thing about a new videogame map is how much of a blank slate it is”. Kaitlin Tremblay’s interpretation of a game’s world map is likely very different from your own.
Unpickleable: Shrub Lessons By Melinda Bardon • August 18th, 2015 “A pro-tip for anyone looking to survive the future apocalypse: learn how to pickle.” Interested in storing your fruits or making delicious drinks? Melinda Bardon has you covered.
Value, Price and Uncertainty By David Carlton • August 12th, 2015 If corporations can’t manage uncertainty with Kickstarter, then they’ll manage uncertainty by making cookie-cutter games. David Carlton talks Shenmue III.
Treasure: The Moment By Rob Haines • August 4th, 2015 “Press A. Pray You Aren’t Torn Asunder.” Rob Haines on the history of the treasure chest and the infamous Mimics of Dark Souls.
A Season in Hell By Luke Pullen • July 30th, 2015 “Toronto is the Platonic ideal of a city”. Luke Pullen escapes the Toronto winter with transgression in The Elder Scrolls.
Through a Lens, Digitally By Argun Ulgen • July 28th, 2015 Argun Ulgen investigates the brightly colored, digitally filmed Slow West and digital movie making in the 21st century.
Magic Surrealism By Brian Taylor • July 23rd, 2015 Brian Taylor examines symbolism in Toren’s mechanics, design, genre, characters, and imagery.
How Wolfenstein Graduated from World War II to Vietnam By Bryant Francis • July 16th, 2015 Bryant Francis examines literal truth and story truth in Wolfenstein: The New Order.
D-Construction By Brian Crimmins • July 1st, 2015 Brian deconstructs Laura, protagonist of survival horror oldie D.