Excerpt The Games of Appalachia By Dylan Bishop • April 11th, 2018 If game development can flourish in the foothills of West Virginia, it can also crop up in a small town near you.
Excerpt The Man of Many Ways By Kate Gray • March 21st, 2018 Was it Mario who blinded the cyclops or Odysseus? I forget.
Feature Excerpt Observer’s Videogame Aesthetic By Edward Smith • February 26th, 2018 It is not discursive or a broad parable; Observer’s themes are emotional and less tangible.
Feature Excerpt Peaks and Valleys in Observer By Reid McCarter • February 22nd, 2018 Reid McCarter explores a cyberpunk landscape made of emotions and memories.
Feature Excerpt Social Media Life Crisis By Denis Farr • January 30th, 2018 On social media, videogames and the Self.
Feature Excerpt A Tale of Two Worlds By Yussef Cole • January 24th, 2018 The more perfect the theme park, the larger its landfills.
Feature Excerpt Lasagna Cat and the Internet We Lost By David Wolinsky • January 16th, 2018 David Wolinsky talks to Jeffrey Max and Zach Johnson – collectively known as Fatal Frame – about the return of Lasagna Cat and the internet we used to have.
Feature Excerpt A Most Curious Black Hole By Maxwell Neely-Cohen • December 21st, 2017 Is Crusader Kings II a strategy game? A simulation of history? A storytelling engine? Maxwell Neely-Cohen dives into the black hole to find out.
Feature Excerpt Localize It! By Jun Wilkinson • December 20th, 2017 Earthbound is a masterpiece of localization. How did they do it?
Feature Excerpt The Successful Sidescroller By Aron Garst • December 6th, 2017 What makes a successful sidescroller? Aron Garst turns to the developers of Shovel Knight and Runbow to find out.