Here's The Thing Getting Lost in Lost in Space By Rob Rich • July 16th, 2018 Is the new Lost in Space yet another shining example of a classic franchise reboot that works? Hell yeah it is!
No Accounting For Taste The (Sort Of, But Not Really) Radical Politics of Infinity War By Adam Boffa • July 16th, 2018 To see the radical message in Avengers: Infinity War, all we have to do is ignore everything about it.
Destiny 2’s Quiet Moments Do the Story’s Heavy-lifting By Yussef Cole • July 13th, 2018 While much of Destiny 2’s narrative is delivered to the player in bombastic cutscenes, its strongest storytelling can be found in the game’s margins, through the quieter mutterings and conversations of its non-playable characters.
The Heavy Pour Our Town By Sara Clemens • July 13th, 2018 Nothing says summer like mystery, and the point-and-click adventure Unforseen incidents stirs up half-remembered recollections of murder cases and childhood towns.
Feature Excerpt A New York Adventure By Alyssa Hatmaker • July 12th, 2018 The Blackwell Convergence captures the ambiance and rumble of “old” New York as it tells the story behind one author’s decades-long writer’s block.
Feature Excerpt Remembering Doom on SNES By Ben Sailer • July 12th, 2018 Doom for the Super Nintendo was an incredible feat of technical trickery. It’s also my favorite game of all time that I never want to play again.
Game Workers Unite Condemns ArenaNet for Inciting Further Harassment of Their Employees By Team Unwinnable • July 12th, 2018 Why have ArenaNet and Mike O’Brien not condemned the harassment of Jessica Price, Peter Fries and countless others in the games community?
Pilot: Monster Manual II By Stu Horvath and John McGuire • July 8th, 2018 The debut episode of The Vintage RPG Podcast! Stu and John discuss Monster Manual II for first edition Dungeons & Dragons, the Big Trouble in Little China board game and much more!
Rookie of the Year Finding the Holy Grail. Again. By Matt Marrone • July 6th, 2018 The folk rock band The Innocence Mission has faded into obscurity, but its small, cult-like following continues to do some crazy things in the name of fandom. Or maybe it’s just me.
If the Devil Is to Exist in This World, It Cannot Look Like a Devil By Orrin Grey • July 6th, 2018 Orrin Grey digs up Toho’s “Bloodthirsty Trilogy,” three Japanese vampire films that underscore the influence of Hammer films while showcasing the potential for Japan’s horror film future.