LittleBigRemakes By Stu Horvath • February 8th, 2011 Complex takes a look at the best videogame remakes made with the design tools in LittleBigPlanet2 and then interviews Martin Lynagh, Media Molecule producer.
The American Culture of Horror: Dead Space By Stu Horvath • January 28th, 2011 Unwinnable’s look at American Horror comes to an end with a look at the Dead Space videogame franchise and our Special Relationship with the United Kingdom.
The American Culture of Horror: Three Things By Stu Horvath • January 27th, 2011 Unwinnable’s look at American Horror continues with an examination of the John W. Campbell story Who Goes There? and John Carpenter’s 1981 remake The Thing.
The American Culture of Horror: Folklore and Stephen King By Stu Horvath • January 26th, 2011 Unwinnable’s look at American Horror continues with our native folklore, our desire to reinterpret and the work of our current grand master, Stephen King.
The American Culture of Horror: Isolation and the Loss of Self By Stu Horvath • January 25th, 2011 Unwinnable investigates American Horror. Every culture has its own particular fears – for America, it is isolation and the loss of self.
I am a Wasteland Waiting for a Spaceship to Save me From the Zombies By Stu Horvath • January 21st, 2011 Color me surprised, but Patton Oswalt’s Zombie Spaceship Wasteland is one of the most endearing books I have read in recent memory.
Tom Hardy Will Attempt to Break the Bat By Stu Horvath • January 19th, 2011 Tom Hardy will play Bane and Anne Hathaway will play Catwoman in the next and final Batman film helmed by Christopher Nolan.
Jim Lee Talks DC Universe Online By Stu Horvath • January 19th, 2011 DC Comics co-publisher Jim Lee talks to Complex about developing the long awaited MMO, DC Universe Online, his love of MMOs and his own DCUO character.
Roguelike By Stu Horvath • January 11th, 2011 Unwinnable honcho Stu Horvath waxes enthusiastic for the iPad and iPhone game 100 Rogues and takes the opportunity to look back on his history with roguelike games.