Here's the Thing I Still Love My Stupid PS Vita By Rob Rich • October 13th, 2017 The best handheld gaming system still gets no love.
Here's the Thing That Old Super Sentai Magic By Rob Rich • July 14th, 2017 After more than 20 years, Rob has rediscovered the simple yet somehow majestic elegance of super sentai toys. Apparently Transformers were just the beginning.
Here's the Thing Sick of Chosen Ones By Rob Rich • April 12th, 2017 Why does it always have to be a prophecy?
Here's the Thing Making Peace with Resident Evil 4 By Rob Rich • February 27th, 2017 OK, maybe, just maybe, Resident Evil 4 wasn’t as bad as I thought it was back in 2005.
Here's the Thing e(ternal?)Sports By Rob Rich • February 10th, 2017 The future of mobile eSports is cash and prizes.
Here's the Thing On Loss and Let’s Plays By Rob Rich • January 2nd, 2017 Rob talks about how Let’s Plays helped him cope with his grief.
Here's the Thing I <3 Monster Hunter By Rob Rich • November 25th, 2016 “So how can Monster Hunter be accessible if it’s so inaccessible? Options.” Rob Rich expounds on his love for Monster Hunter.
Here's the Thing Getting Over Metal Gear Survive By Rob Rich • October 11th, 2016 People need to stop pretending that they wouldn’t be lapping it up if it was the self-proclaimed “auteur’s” idea in the first place.
Food Issue – Thoughts Recap Part 2 of 3 By Andrea Ayres, AJ Moser and Rob Rich • June 6th, 2016 Just how do we eat our games, train attack owls and get so bored with Dark Souls II? Unwinnable has all the answers.