Coffee Break Keeps it Real!

While we know you’re all violenty excited for Brink and L.A. Noire to be released next week, remebering your indies is almost important as brushing your teeth. Shawn McGrath has been hard at work promoting and perfecting DYAD, a game that has quickly become one of Unwinnable’s most anticipatd games of 2011. Do yourself (and Shawn) a favor by checking in and seeing how 2011’s Sleeper Pick of the Year is coming along. Oh, and we wrote something about it, too.


I know that when I tell you Team Unwinnable loves RPG’s, I speak the truth. From Final Fantasy to Dungeons and Dragons, there is a special place in each of our hearts for those games that filled our childhood (and teens…and twenties…and thirties) with sorcery, adventure and a frustrating chain of disoriented companions. But it isn’t nostalgia that keeps us attached. We don’t sequester ourselves in our bedrooms late into the night, staring with bloodshot eyes at Ultima 3 just to keep the dream alive. No, it’s the innovation, imagination and artistry that keeps us playing, and when SRRN Games

A Split Subject: Coming To Terms With Artificial Intelligence (In Brief)

HAL is real, and it plays Jeopardy! In an interesting competitive twist, the legendary quiz show featured “Watson,” an IBM supercomputer possessing the ability to understand and process natural language, facing off against past Jeopardy! icons Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings. The computer won. Although this is by no means a sign of the end times, Ken Jennings was closer to the truth than he may believe when he joked “I for one welcome our new computer overlords.” Perhaps he shouldn’t be so hasty.