Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder By John McGuire • January 31st, 2012 John McGuire visits the Punchdrunk production Sleep No More and manages to escape with his sanity.
Searching for Gold – An Interview with Toy Hunters Creator Jordan Hembrough By John McGuire • January 12th, 2012 John McGuire chats with Jordan Hembrough about his new Travel Channel show, Toy Hunters.
Innistrad Helps Halloween Stay Around, Just a Little Bit Longer By John McGuire • October 30th, 2011 John McGuire finds it irritating when he sees Christmas decorations in stores before Halloween. He thinks Innistrad will be the ticket to keeping Halloween alive!
Ikusa and the Art of War By John McGuire • September 29th, 2011 Hambone gathers his troops and marches them into feudal Japan with his review of Ikusa from Avalon Hill/Wizards of the Coast.
Mole Man Attacks New York City By John McGuire • August 23rd, 2011 Exclusive truth behind the earthquake that shook the tri-state area.
Showdown! Conan vs. Jerry Dandridge in the Battle of the ’80s Movie Remakes! By John McGuire • August 23rd, 2011 A double feature of ’80s remakes Conan the Barbarian and Fright Night proves to be a fun time for all involved.
I Double Dog Dare You To Go See Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes! By John McGuire • August 19th, 2011 John McGuire dares readers to go see Rise of the Planet of the Apes.
‘Geek Stuff’ Host Robbed By John McGuire • July 29th, 2011 The Geek community was shaken this month as ‘Big Kev’ Schwoebel’s home was burglarized. His show, ‘Geek Stuff’, is currently suspended as he attempts to recoup his losses.
A Rush and a Push and the Land is Ours (or Everybody Wants to Rule the World) By John McGuire • July 28th, 2011 John ‘Hambone’ McGuire played Dungeons and Dragons: Conquest of Nerath and now everyone else on Team Unwinnable wants in on the fun.
Coffee Break Brick By Brick By John McGuire • June 22nd, 2011 The Original Star Wars trilogy, in under three minutes, made using stop-motion Lego animation. How can you go wrong?