Collision Detection Abe’s Oddysee, Ahead of Its Time By Ben Sailer • August 14th, 2019 The PlayStation classic Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee offers poignant commentary on how to handle catastrophic circumstances that feel bigger than yourself.
Collision Detection When Amazon Gamifies Hell, Who’s Gaming Who? By Ben Sailer • July 3rd, 2019 Videogames placed in Amazon warehouses are allegedly intended to boost employee morale. However, reality may be less altruistic than the company’s PR spin.
Collision Detection Dogs of War By Ben Sailer • June 5th, 2019 Sure video game dogs make for great meme material, but good boys have been serving since World War I.
Collision Detection How About a Refund? By Ben Sailer • May 14th, 2019 Google’s talked about how great Stadia is, but how will it win over the average (heavily skeptical) consumer?
Collision Detection Ace Combat 7 Wants the Context of War Without its Baggage By Ben Sailer • April 10th, 2019 Even in an arcade game like Ace Combat 7, borrowing from real-world war narratives makes the whole “escapism” thing…awkward.
Collision Detection Tidying Up the Old Videogame Collection By Ben Sailer • March 13th, 2019 Sometimes, stuff’s just gotta go. Even if you loved it.
Collision Detection Musical Play Without the Peripherals By Ben Sailer • February 11th, 2019 Resynth goes beyond teaching muscle memory and challenges players much in the same way writing music does.
Collision Detection At Least Videogame Advertising Has Grown Up By Ben Sailer • January 11th, 2019 The days of shit-talking the competition are gone. Now videogame companies demand our attention by . . . just making better products.
Collision Detection DDR Movie Marks a Positive Step By Ben Sailer • November 26th, 2018 Why make a movie about Dance Dance Revolution? Maybe a better question to ask is, “Why would they make a movie about any other game at all?”
Collision Detection Rigged Games By Ben Sailer • November 14th, 2018 If politicians treat electioneering like a tactical war game that was built to be hacked, Gerrymander lays their tactics bare with adorably dystopian puzzles.