Physical Media and Collective Nostalgia
Physical media such as VHS, cassettes, and discs were all relevant mediums for their time, all holding a special place in anyone’s heart who had to toggle bulky computers, old car stereos, or video-players. All these forms of media hold nostalgia with a range of people, varying in generation. For my time and those older, we mostly hold a collective nostalgia with discs varying between CDs, DVDs and BluRay, as discs have been one of the most spacious forms of media, capable of holding a large amount of storage, and if stored well, able to last decades. Discs themselves are versatile, but select forms can be seen as outdated. And, they do not exist without their flaws such as being easy to damage, usually through scratching. However they are still used today for modern/new videogames and BluRays. Discs are inherently nostalgic for multiple generations, and their continuous manufacturing shows they still have a large market.
Why do we all have a nostalgia switch in our brain that brings us right back to a specific age and time period? Why is it a phenomenon? Nostalgia is not only an emotional connection to ourselves but also with others who share a similar memory. As a cognitive function, it reminds us of who we were many years ago and keeps us in touch with our roots. As a social connection, it brings us together on a similar topic, emotion, or way of thinking, that can make anyone feel more understood or appreciated. Nostalgia is a unique feeling and has such distinct associations, the experience of which provides a rush of emotions such as reminiscence or even homesickness. As a phenomenon, it is a normal side effect of longing for simpler, more youthful times, and awareness of the reality that times change, and we change too.
With technology that is new for its time, there are bound to be people of a generation who hold a connection to it, similar to current events and trends. Especially as time goes on and what was once common then becomes outdated or replaced and the cycle repeats. This is where discs come into place, moving video, music and media into a compact, transportable device. Currently those discs are mostly replaced by the internet, with music being readily available online on multiple streaming platforms. But even though discs can be seen as outdated, they’re not out of style yet. There are multiple examples of media that are rarely relied on at large anymore, such as VHS tapes. These cassettes have their own set of problems, and their players (the VCR) can have just as many issues if not more, and are not manufactured anymore. Simply put, they are truly outdated. Respectively, discs can be seen as being in a transitional phase, still being useful and manufactured, but are also seen as old-fashioned.
As we age with technology, we see physical media and its natural progression over time, which begs the question of what it truly means to be outdated. As technology ages, we age with it and naturally see it change. While it is a slow progression, before you realize it, what was once common and seen everywhere is now years old, even though you can remember it like it was just last month. But with media such as videogames, many fans like to have a physical copy to feel more connected with the media. It can also be seen as nostalgic, looking back to the days of physically inserting a disc for a game. Additionally, fans like to build a collection.
Nostalgia for any media can lead a fan to desire physical copies, and to some extent, this can shape someone’s environment or personality. An emotional connection to something nostalgic builds a one-sided personal relationship, shaping interests and wants. Physical media is not inherently nostalgic, especially considering many forms are still manufactured today. However, nostalgia is reliant on fans of a media to maintain its relevance, however minuscule. Collecting media is a result of this – physical copies can keep us in touch with what we enjoy, readily available to be used.
Naturally, with the growth of the internet and so much media easily available, physical media is thought to start its decline in popularity and practical use, yet it remains common in everyday life – whether for music, videogames, movies or personal storage. Keeping their use allows physical media to remain useful, and this format is important because it is the root of all that is accessible now. Technology has not stopped progressing and as we age beside it we see the fact that change is permanent. Buying a CD entertains our memories and past, and attaching meaning to that CD makes it valuable, both keeping in touch with our roots and (in this scenario) music’s roots.
Paige Eldridge is a college student aspiring and working towards a career in writing. With a passion for niche and societal topics, related works can be found here.