Best Bitcoin Documentaries – TOP 4

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Ever since the first bull run after the launch of Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency market has become a phenomenon that attracts the attention of a wide variety of people.

Easy money, insane volatility, world-famous companies, and the biggest ups and downs in finance history – all arouse interest and inspire stories. But still, a better mirror and a more rigorous presentation will be documentaries about Bitcoin.

Life On Bitcoin

One of the very first documentaries about Bitcoin that came out along with the launch of crypto was released in 2014 and was called “Life On Bitcoin.” The film shows the direct practice of using Bitcoin in everyday life: trying to pay for purchases, using the Bitcoin casino welcome bonus, paying bills, investing, etc.

The film’s purpose was to show how much the society and system (financial and social) were not ready for the massive adoption of cryptocurrencies. The fact that Life On Bitcoin was released in the year of Bitcoin’s launch made the film even more conceptual and practical.

As a result, seeing the current state of affairs in the crypto niche and how it was in the 2014 film, you can notice enormous differences. Those who know a little about crypto will immediately notice the differences between the past and the present, but overall, the film is quite interesting to watch. Plus, it’s a documentary, but the emotions and the stories are sometimes similar to the fiction format.

Banking on Bitcoin

Bitcoin is the most famous brand and the financial basis of the crypto market. Many have heard about it, but not everyone fully understands the technical and ideological foundations of Bitcoin.

Well, the story of the emergence of Bitcoin, shrouded in the romantic mystery of Satoshi Nakamoto, is in itself an artistic plot.

The film Banking on Bitcoin decided to dispel all the myths and secrets around Bitcoin. This is a mix of philosophy and economic aspects since the film describes the cryptocurrency ecosystem and various theories regarding culture, risks, and the future of various niches and people in such a world.

The film may be quite difficult to understand for those unfamiliar with cryptocurrencies. If you are one of them, we recommend checking out the fourth film on this list first. For now, let’s move on to number 3.

Where Did Bitcoin Come From? – The True Story

The film is a project of the Australian online media ColdFusio, which will also tell about the history of the emergence of Bitcoin, but in a slightly different format. For experienced film fans, the film may seem more amateurish than made by experienced media professionals. The reason for this is simple shots, behind-the-camera scenes, and plot.

But, despite this, the film reveals deep scientific and economic research about the causes and prerequisites for the emergence of Bitcoin. The film will not tell you about Bitcoin itself but more about its goals, allowing you to understand how the idea to create crypto payment systems came about.

Inside the Crypto Kingdom

Inside the Crypto Kingdom is a film for those who do not understand Bitcoin and the crypto ecosystem. Inside the Crypto Kingdom is a series of short documentaries (episodes) with an understandable explanation for everyone.

Episodes begin with a description of the history of cryptocurrencies, the first attempts (successful and not so successful), and the creation of the most powerful Bitcoin project.

Inside the Crypto Kingdom will describe what coins are, what blockchain technology is in general, and how everything in this ecosystem is connected.

The narration is told in simple language so that every viewer can understand the main essence and not surf the Internet for terms, pausing the film every 2-3 minutes. The industry’s most famous people are participating in the project, including Vitalik Buterin and Charlie Lee.

In the final episodes, the directors will touch on laws, regulations, and security in the context of cryptocurrencies. They will show that this is not just money from a computer but a full-fledged system that can bring both positive aspects and a threat to financial systems.

Final Line

There are many films about Bitcoin, including documentaries and more. As for the first ones, you already know – those 4 are the standard of what you need to know about Bitcoin. What about thrillers or drama? There is a lot of drama surrounding Bitcoin in real life, but there are still a few movies, too. One of the decent is Crypto (2019), a thriller about the dangers of cryptocurrency, its potential for abuse, and how it can be used for nefarious purposes.

