‘C’ is for Cosmic

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Vintage RPG

A Partridge Family Christmas CardI don’t know what I’m up against

I don’t know what it’s all about

I’ve got so much to think about…

Christmas is nigh. For years I would spend the week leading up to this fair holiday in a state of quiet indifference. In a word, something was missing.

It struck me one gray December evening – Christmas just wasn’t groovy.

Rushing home I dusted off A Partridge Family Christmas Card. Dropping the needle, the opening note of My Christmas Card to You transformed years of Plain-Jane white Christmases into a psychedelic winter wonderland.

What I experienced was something of a spiritual awakening.

Partridge Family BusMy cause-célèbre became the virgin birth of Keith Partridge. Shirley, my Madonna, along with Laurie, Danny, Tracy and Chris bore witness to the nativity. Even Reuben was there, a shepherd, to make sure the fun ran smoothly.

No longer would my Christmases be bleak, monotonous pantomimes of consumerist sacrilege. No more will I trudge through the cold, pagan snow of an empty winter solstice. Never again will I sulk in loneliness, incapable of relating to Bing Crosby and David Bowie’s duet rendition of The Little Drummer Boy. I, Dear Reader, had my “Road to Damascus” moment and beheld a bus of many colors.

I have been pointed in the direction of Albuquerque and it is there that I will spend Christmas with family – The Partridge Family.

How do you make Christmas cosmic?


If you enjoyed this piece we encourage you link to it. As well, you can follow Peter on Twitter @peterlangcrime. He’s less wordy, oftentimes funny, and trying really hard to cope with being so “plugged-in.”

For enlightenment visit: www.partridgefamilytemple.com
