Unistenable Episode 12

Featured RPG Designers

Funeral Rites

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This week joining us this week is Brian “BTD” Daley!

We discuss with Brian the movie Die Hard, and do a character analysis of Harry Ellis and Hans Gruber. We also talk to him about his comic American Psycho Kids!

Matt Marrone joins us from the streets of Manhattan with an enthusiastic post-show review of Sleep No More. An immersive performance by British theater company Punchdrunk with their Shakespeare -meets-Hitchcock story at the fictional McKittrick Hotel building!

Discussions on Skeletor, Beast Man, and Evil Lyn!

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Music by:
The O>Matics, Brine & Bastards, Great Black Nothing, The Lawndarts and BTD.

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Team Unwinnable on Twitter @TeamUnwinnable

Please email us at info@unwinnable.com

Call us anytime and leave a voice mail at 862-234-5760

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