Letter from the Editor

Unwinnable Monthly – September 2023

This is a reprint of the letter from the editor in Unwinnable Monthly Issue 167. You can buy Issue 167 now, or purchase a monthly subscription to make sure you never miss an issue!



Dear Reader,

Welcome to Fall! I have no idea when it officially starts but this the last bulwark against Christmastime beginning in the middle of July.

First up, our features. Gerry Hart joins us on the chaos that consumes the world of Elden Ring. Next up, Mira Lazine on the chaos to come when AI powers even more of our lives.

For this month’s Funeral Rites, brought to you by Exalted Funeral, Alyssa Wejebe takes on Mystic Punks.

As for our regular columnists, Jay Castello rolls for initiative (and alphabetical superiority). Maddi Chilton saw a movie that doesn’t start with Barb or end with -heimer. Emma Kostopolus folks around. Yes, I’m recycling that one. Matt Marrone is welcomed to Miami. Noah talks about a disturbing movie that I do not recommend watching. Honestly, big content warning for some weird dead people sex stuff. Phoenix Simms shows us it is not easy being green. Emily Price taps away at the small screen. Justin Reeve considers the kind of rebuilding endemic to the Creed. Rob Rich tends to his herd. Levi Rubeck mentions so many bands I am hearing about for the first time. And Autumn Wright with bids farewell to dinosaurs in high school.

I’m also happy to let you all know we’ll be going strong through the month of October with our subscription drive. This year’s theme is Vamps, Pyre and Otherwise. We’ve been hard at work on this one in the office and there’s some amazing takes on the theme coming your way.

See you all in a few weeks in Exploits!

Eat the rich, support organized labor.


David Shimomura
Chicago, Illinois
September 6, 2023