Erol Otus Interview (Remastered)
Stu’s got a full plate, so that means a rerun! This week, please enjoy a remastered version of our 2021 interview with legendary RPG artist Erol Otus!
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Keep up to date on Erol’s RPG work by following him on Facebook. Definitely keep an eye out for restocks of his currently sold out line of tees and prints at Bay Merch!
Big thanks to Skinner for putting us in touch!
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Stu’s book, Monsters, Aliens, and Holes in the Ground is up for pre-order now! Get in Regular or Deluxe, but maybe consider getting it via Bookshop, yea?
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Intro music by George Collazo.
The Vintage RPG illustration is by Shafer Brown. Follow him on Twitter.
Tune in next week for the next episode. Until then, may the dice always roll in your favor!