The Throne of Bloodstone
Get to level 100, fight 10,000 zombies, beat up Orcus, steal his stuff and murder Tiamat in H4 — The Throne of Bloodstone, one of the most ridiculous D&D adventures ever published. Is it good? Is it bad? YES! Join us as we check it out.
Plus, something a little different and a lot charming: in our Indie Elevator Pitch this week, we chat with Jonathan Sacha about his Goblins & Gardens tarot card set. He (gasp) cuts up and collages art from old D&D books and old gardening reference books to create surprisingly whimsical scenes of monsters on their days off. Now on Kickstarter!
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New discount code from Noble Knight! Use RPGCITY from now until the end of July for 10% off purchase $10 and up!
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Intro music by George Collazo.
The Vintage RPG illustration is by Shafer Brown. Follow him on Twitter.
Tune in next week for the next episode. Until then, may the dice always roll in your favor!