Unwinnable Monthly – May 2021
This is a reprint of the letter from the editor in Unwinnable Monthly Issue 139. You can buy Issue 139 now, or purchase a monthly subscription to make sure you never miss an issue!
For those of you who missed last month, hi, I’m David. The newish editor in chief. Stu is still around, he’s our publisher! For those of you who thought last month was a strange fever dream or a super late April Fool’s joke, it wasn’t!
This month our cover feature is by Emily Price and explores the delicious liquid elements of Hades. This comes paired with some deeply horny cover art by Therese Lanz. Next up is Clint Morrison Jr. talking about something that many of us have lost in the last year, the opportunity to come together and dance. In our sponsored feature, Ben Sailer talks to White Paper Games about their 2019 thriller, The Occupation.
Next, allow me to present our regulars this month. Noah Springer dives back into a specific slice in history, 2001. Oluwatayo Adewole brings us to Zambia to an absolute heartbreaker of a film, I Am Not A Witch. Ben Sailer (Again! This guy, I tell ya!) plays god in the smallest way, by becoming an infinite number of general managers pulling the strings of fate. Matt Marrone talks about the way those silly parental advisory stickers might find a use. Yussef Cole gets into strangeness performative playstyle of no-hit runs. Autumn Wright further explores the ends of things and how they come together, again and again. Justin Reeve brings us to the liminal and powerful space that is the Raccoon Police Department. It kills me that the police department of Racoon City is just called the Raccoon Police Department. Lastly, the new Games Editor of Exploits, Rob Rich, discusses the tragedy of his favorite Muppet, Gonzo.
Speaking of Exploits! We’ll see you there in a few weeks!
David Shimomura
Chicago, Illinois
May 13, 2021