Letter From the Editor

Unwinnable Monthly – April 2019

This is a reprint of the Letter from the Editor from Unwinnable Monthly #114. If you like what you see, grab the magazine for less than ten dollars, or subscribe and get all future magazines for half price.


Happy spring, folks. Hope y’all are taking your over-the-counter allergy pills. **sneezes**

Our cover story, by Haru Nicol, takes on the politics of the King of Monsters, Godzilla. Well, not his politics, but the undeniable political subtext of three of the major films in the franchise. The sweet cover art was done by Unwinnable’s own Rob Rich.

Our second feature sees Jon Bailes plumbing the hidden depths of Pikuniku in search of social and political commentary, with mixed results. I guess it’s a political sort of issue.

In the columns, Gavin Craig writes about baseball and having your star player get traded to the league rival. Megan Condis checks out the documentary The Cleaners, about the army of folks with the thankless task of keeping our social media feeds (kind of) free of awful content. Astrid Budgor presents a selection of springtime metal releases.

Amanda Hudgins’ fanfic column returns with a short one on not-so-great dads. Deirdre Coyle decides she’s friends with SkiFree’s Abominable Snow Monster, despite it having devoured her on several occasions. Ben Sailer accidentally buys the Resident Evil 2 remake and charts some of the pitfalls of the ever expanding digital gaming market ecosystem. Meanwhile, Matt Marrone chides the Unmissable podcast crew for overlooking Olivia Colman’s hilarious turn on Numberwang.

Yussef Cole ponders the in-game consequences of being a less than stellar swordsman in Sekiro. I wrote about the joy of not playing shooters like Payday 2 and Rainbow 6: Siege on their own terms. Sara Clemens gets a tantalizing look at the forthcoming Lovecraftian game The Sinking City.

Rob Rich ponders context. Adam Boffa searches for the right version of the Guile theme. Jason McMaster checks out Tropico 6. Finally, we chat with artist Charles Ferguson-Avery about antlers (minor disclosure: Charles and I are working on a thing together).

See you soon in Exploits!

Stu Horvath
Kearny, New Jersey
April 13, 2019