Unwinnable Monthly – March 2017

This is a reprint of the letter from the editor in Unwinnable Monthly Issue Eighty-Nine. You can buy Issue Eighty-Nine now, or purchase a one-month subscription to make sure you never miss an issue!


Welcome to March!

I know we’re more than halfway through the month, but not every issue can be a walk in the park. Still, despite the challenges, we’ve got a pretty damn good one for you.elcome to March!

In our first feature, Max Covill talks to the team behind a game I adore: Night in the Woods. If you’re like me and want more Mae, this might just scratch your itch, for a little while, anyway.

Our second features sees David Wolinsky’s return to our pages. He brings his editorial intern Dee Majek along to discuss GDC 2017, him from the perspective of a 10-time attendee, she as someone who’d love to go but hasn’t yet. The discussion will surprise you.

Lastly, our fiction entry this month comes from Taylor Hidalgo and works as a bit of fanfic for the wartime survival simulator This War of Mine and I talk to the folks behind the forthcoming game of Lovecraftian horror called Conarium as part of our ongoign Unreal sponsorship.

Our regular columnists cover a range of subjects, per usual. Gavin Craig finally digs into The Beginner’s Guide (I say that like I’ve played it – I haven’t yet) and Megan Condis learns about people who are really, really into chickens. Casey’s got a hell of a metal playlist for you (seriously, so much good metal in March – I highly recommend checking out Gold). Amanda Hudgins’ world had gone black and white, while Matt Marrone’s convinced the secrets of the present day are encoded in Back the Future Part II – let’s hope he doesn’t read Adam Boffa’s column about a film in which Hitler is revived in the present day to become a social media star. Corey Milne coins the name of a new sub-genre of game, all for Brigador and Rob Rich throws up his hands at prophecies and chosen ones. Jason McMaster is paralyzed by all the good new releases he’s trying to play. Lastly, but not leastly, my old pal Joe Boyle shows up to his artist profile with a bunch of Scooby-Doo villains.

Told you we covered a lot of ground. In other news, my co-host Sara Clemens and I will be recording the first episode of the brand new official Unwinnable podcast next week, due out sometime before the April issue. We’re calling it Unmissable, because it no doubt will be.

Have a lovely start to your spring!

Stu Horvath
Kearny, New Jersey
March 21, 2017