Unwinnable Listens to the Best Music of 2016 – Prelude
Last year, we hearty few took on a challenge: listen to the Unwinnable Best Albums of 2015 playlist for the month of January, on random, without skipping a track. We survived, but were changed. We discovered new music. We learned our friends and colleagues have tastes that run from questionable at best and masochistic at worst. We laughed. We might have cried a little, too.
For some godforsaken reason, we’re doing it again.
The rules are the same. We shall listen to nothing but the Best of 2016 playlist for the rest of the month and write our impressions. What new sounds will we discover, what horrors?
You can play along with us. Just queue up the playlist for the next 648 hours or so and see what happens to your brain. Write up your experiences, send them to stuhorvath@unwinnable.com and we’ll add them to our weekly round up.
Can you hang?
Can you?