The Holly Jolly Unwinnable Holiday Bundle
Let’s be real here: 2016 sucked. But Unwinnable doesn’t suck, and ’tis the season of giving, so we thought we’d give you a little somethin’-somethin’ for being so great this year despite the odds. Hence, we made a holiday bundle with two free issues and printable cards to spread the cheer!
First up, the Unwinnable Weekly Holiday Special from December 2014:
(click image to view PDF in browser)
Next, we have the special Star Wars issue from December 2015:
(click image to view PDF in browser)
The first two holiday cards are mini foldable cards featuring graphics from our holiday subscription drive:
(click image to view PDF in browser)
And finally, we have a vintage Unwinnable holiday card from 2011:
(Click image to view full size in browser)
If you’d like the entire bundle, you can find a convenient zip file here. Happy holidays!